Friday, January 27, 2012

remember when

With my ipod on the verge of dying any day now, and no money to replace it the thought of losing all those years of accumulated music! And the lack of an iphone in this "apple world" we live in makes the group text  my friends and I have going a little difficult. I know I'm still young, but I'm going to pull an older person move and say,

remember when... 
- instead of ipods we had walk-mens 
- instead of cell phones we ran over and knocked on peoples doors
- instead of GPS we had a co-pilot holding out a map

Clint, Marco, Me, Kailyn

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My favorite color...
favorite flavor of ice cream...
I am instantly more drawn to anything this hue...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Love These Guys

Ok, so I was going through some videos on my computer and  I came across this one of 
Me, Brit, Kim, and Kait singing a christmas song! I couldn't resist putting it up, 
because it makes me laugh so hard every time I watch it! 

I know what you guys are thinking. It wasn't as funny as I made it out to be but I love 
these girls so much and we have the best times together... and ok maybe we're a little weird
 (or a lot of weird)! But normal people don't nearly have as much fun! :) 

Monday, January 16, 2012

New For the New Year

So I don't really know what I'm blogging about today... I kinda just wanted to update it from Christmas!

I finally made my new years resolutions, just yesterday! I know, I'm a little late this year.
But It felt nice to be able to actually take time and think about what I wanted accomplished this year
and to make them realistic for myself. Because I especially don't want this year to be one of those where
I write down my resolutions and then come February 1st or even March 1st and they're just
another page in my journal.

So heres to NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS that will stick :)

This is just a taste of what I'd like to accomplish for 2012 and hopefully they
will become habits for the years to come!