ok... So lately there has been a lot of changing of things here and there on my blog! And as you can tell I now have a new title! Don't plan on me changing it anymore, because this one is a final change!
For the last couple of days I have been debating whether I was going to change it or not. And as you can tell I came to the conclusion that I would! My old title "So We Can Hear Thunder" related something to my older brother Marco ( best friend, amazing human being, the one who kept me going!) and I. We have had this theory... well basically life style that we live or lived, based off of THUNDER STORMS! It may sound weird but, it's hard to explain and most people wouldn't understand it anyways! (that's just another reason why Marco is like my identical twin, there is no one in the world that can understand me when I come up with my weird analogies, except him! How's that for a run on sentence?)
But then I decided that I wanted this blog to be for me, and something that was 100% new and mine! I guess you could say a fresh start toward being a more independent me. So I hope you like my new title, feel free to let me know what you think!